
Day 1 - November 13

10:00  - Registration/Welcome

10:15 - Opening session (host)

10:30 - Program Execution 2024 Plan

11:30 - Pitch from new associates: IMM (Daniel Silva)

11:40 - Break

12:00 - 12:15 - Vision from national partners I: MIRRI - Nelson Lima

12:15 - 12:45 - Node and community services update - Jorge Oliveira

12:45 - 13:15 - Pitches from the platforms:

13:15 - Lunch

14:15 - Afternoon session

14:30 - Open science presentation: FEGA - Mallory Freeberg (EMBL-EBI) and Ana Teresa Freitas (IST/ELIXIR-PT)

15:30 - Pitches from the communities I:

16:30 - Coffee break

17:00 - Pitches from the communities II:

18:00 - Group Photo

Day 2 - November 14

9:30 - Opening - Inês Chaves (

9:35 - Presentation of FioCruz Collaborative Platform

10:05 - ELIXIR and ELIXIR Portugal - Ana Teresa Freitas (IST/ELIXIR Portugal)

10:50  - Coffee break

11:15 - Impact evaluation - why and how? (with Q&A) - Mariana de Freitas (

11:45 -  Vision from National Partners

12:30  - Lunch

14:00 - Running and finished projects from and ELIXIR I:

15:00 - Break

15:10 - Running and finished projects from and ELIXIR II:

15:40 - End session and farewell